Heverlee | Business Brewery

Contact details

Community host:
Mieke Lurquin, Martine Charpentier & Valerie Bormans

Interleuvenlaan 62
3001 Heverlee

+32 (0) 3 303 90 73

About the location

Business Brewery was founded as Business Center Leuven in 1986. During all these years, 286 companies sought shelter and received guidance and advice tailored to their needs. These companies employed 710 people. Our shareholders and management have always kept a clear goal in mind: how to give starting entrepreneurs the best opportunities to grow their entrepreneurship in the best possible environment.

We continue with the Business Brewery: making entrepreneurship malting, fermenting and brewing into a beautiful company. We bring dynamic entrepreneurs together in a professional location with all the necessary facilities and with an office in line with their needs and growth plan.


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© 2020 All rights reserved | Appelblauwzeegroen bvba owner of the Bar d'Office project

Uitbreidingstraat 66 - 2600 Antwerp (Berchem) - Belgium | BE 0818.965.852

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